
Dead Reckoning Port of Call from AEG

Created by Alderac Entertainment Group

John D Clair's game of Swashbuckling Adventure returns to Kickstarter-Get the base game and a new expansion featuring new ships & crew!

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Build Your Own Bundle Reward & back from Gen Con!
about 1 month ago – Tue, Aug 06, 2024 at 05:15:10 PM

Attention on Deck Legendary Captains!

We've sailed the salty seas, and braved the Easterly winds to make it back from the perilous adventures of Gen Con! It was a resounding success, and we've added many new brave captains to the Dead Reckoning fold!

There have been a lot requests for a Game-Play only reward, along with many other more custom bundles tailored to previous backers needs, so we've come up with a way to answer those requests with a $10 discount in one magic bundle:

Now you can build a game-play only bundle, or ANY bundle you want with a $45 minimum cost to you, and get $10 credit towards more stuff!

This bundle can include anything from this campaign except the Captain's Chest, which has its own discounts and subsidized shipping built into the Port of Call & Captain's Chest reward and the All-in Reward. If you pledge for the Build Your Own Bundle Reward on Kickstarter you won't be able to change it in the pledge manager on BackerKit.

You can pledge $45 now, and after the campaign, in the pledge manager on BackerKit you will have $55 in credit on your order.

It's OK to pre-build your bundle on Kickstarter. Whatever you add-on will be charged on Kickstarter and your balance on BackerKit will be adjusted. If for some reason you end up with a credit due we'll issue refunds as a part of our fulfillment process.

Or, you can just pay $45 on Kickstarter, select this Reward, and manage all your Add-ons in BackerKit after the campaign ends (which, frankly, is probably the easiest thing to do).

This Reward will not be available in the pledge manager on BackerKit even if you chose the $5 "Guaranteed Access to the Pledge Manager" Reward. If you want to Build Your Own Bundle, you must select this Reward while the Kickstarter is running.

1st Day Thank you, and some Ship Upgrade storage goodness!
about 2 months ago – Mon, Jul 29, 2024 at 08:36:59 PM

Hello Buccaneers,

Thank you so much for an amazing first day, we're very excited about the Port of Call expansion. It adds some really cool stuff for your adventures on the High Seas.

When John brought his first designs to us and there was a whole new crew, new asymmetrical ships, and exploding cubes that made battles even more epic, I couldn't wait to dig in and play. The cubes added quite a bit of hooting and hollering to our battles as they can just keep going, and going–it reminded me of my days as a casino dealer when there was a hot roller on the craps table.

We're also happy about the response to the Captain's Chest, we are going all-in on making the most deluxe version possible with a design from our new friend, and industrial designer extraordinaire, Dan Cunningham. He has spent weeks with John and I coming up with a system that makes setup quick and tidy for both breaking out the game and putting it away.

I've promised in the comments to share more info as we begin the prototyping process to make sure everything works, will last, and is super deluxe. Remember that you are getting a peak at how the sausage is made, so what you see in these early stages will be tested, revamped, and redesigned to make sure the final product lives up to our high expectations.

First up, is a recent render from Dan showing how the vacuform trays that will hold Ship Upgrades work. These 3 trays will have their own drawer in the chest, and you can pull them out, remove the snap-on lid and use them on the table for quick access. Dan designed a nice little angle-dip on the side opposite the finger-cut so you can press down on the stack, and pop them up to more easily grab the tile you need:

I'm off to Gen Con this week, but next week, I'm expecting an update from our manufacturer with a proof of concept for the wooden box with the drawers that I'll share with you. 

Until then, I'll see you in the comment section (a little less often from Wed-Sunday as I wander the floor- but I'll check in in short bursts and before bed).

- First Mate Kirk